Extreme Ultimate Warrior Status für Bell

Die vermutlich letzte gute Nachricht dieses besonderen Jahres:

Costa Rica Calling!

»We are delighted to confirm Bell Computer-Netzwerke GmbH has successfully achieved Ultimate Warrior Status in 2020! It’s truly impressive to have achieved over $500k in net new portfolio and the ExtremeWireless specialization. I’m sending my personal congratulations to you, and all of the team at Bell who have contributed to this effort. It is with your continued commitment to Extreme that we will advance and grow together. Welcome to the Ultimate Warrior Class of 2020 – I very much look forward to seeing you in Costa Rica! Welcome to the Ultimate Warrior Class of 2020 – I very much look forward to seeing you in Costa Rica!« (Joe Vitalone | Chief Revenue Officer | Extreme Networks)

Wir sind stolz, von Extreme Networks zum zweiten Mal den renommierten Ultimate Warrior Status für das Erreichen der nötigen Ziele und das Erlangen der ExtremeWireless Specialization verliehen bekommen zu haben.

Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr, falls wir bis 2021 nichts mehr von Ihnen hören.